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2024 USSSA Ball Games II & Athletics successfully completed in Teso zone

The 2024 USSSA Ball Games II and athletics championships have been successfully completed in Teso Zone at Teso College Aloet on Wednesday, 17th July.
An overwhelming number of participants (competitors, team and officiating officials) estimated to be over 4000 graced these games which are a precursor for the forth-coming FEASSSA Games in Bukedea and Amus College.

Minister of state for sports Hon. Peter Ogwang was chief guest during the official closing ceremony and prize presentation at Soroti city main stadium.
The minister was flanked by other members from the ministry of education and sports including commissioners, officials from ASSHU, USSSA led by president Justus Mugisha and his entire executive committee, the host school and other participating schools.

Hon. Ogwang lauded all the participants and the schools which traveled to Soroti for the games.
“It has been out of team work, hard work, commitment, discipline and sacrifice that you are all here. I salute you in a special way. Continue practicing clean sport to avoid age related cheating, harassment of players, drug abuse and other vices. To be the referees and umpires; always exercise fairness at all times. Uganda will present strong teams for the FEASSA competition coming up at Amus College and Bukedea Comprehensive schools” Hon. Ogwang stated.

The minister directed the Uganda athletics team to make use of the high Altitude center in Teyret, Kapchorwa for training and further fine tuning.
In a special sportsmanship gesture, he vowed to provide a new pair of running spikes to an athlete who ran bare-feet.
During his brief address, USSSA president Mugisha appreciated the Government of Uganda for the commitment to finance these games and other international school games that Uganda has participated in.

“I want to thank the Government of Uganda through our parent ministry (Education and sports) and the National Council of Sports for the financial contribution to run these games. I also wish to applaud the schools, head teachers, players, coaches and everyone involved” Mugisha remarked.

The top three schools per discipline from either gender were rewarded with medals (gold, silver and bronze) with trophies to the champions and medals to each Most Valuable Player (MVP) per sport.
The USSSA Ball Games II menu had handball, netball, volleyball, basketball (3X3), Rugby 7’s, athletics and cross country.
Uganda used these games as a precursor for the 2024 FEASSSA Games coming up still in Teso zone at Bukedea Comprehensive and Amus College School (16th to 24th August).
Results (Top three per sport & MVP):

1-Mbogo High
2- Kawanda SS
3 – Kibuli SS
MVP: Britney Keeza Nsubuga (Mbogo High School)
1-Wampewo Ntake
2-Ntare School
3- Mbogo Mixed
MVP: Ivan Bisaso (Wampewo Ntake)
Basketball (3X3)
1 – St Noa Girls
2 – Nabisunsa Girls
3 – St Mary’s Kitende
MVP: Resty Nanyange (St Noa Girls)
1 – Buddo Secondary School
2 – Mbogo Mixed School
3 – Amus College School
MVP: James Oblack (Buddo SS)

1 – Bukedea Comprehensive
2 –St Elizabeth Girls
3 – Seroma Christian High School

MVP: Camila Akot (Bukedea Comprehensive)
1 – Bukedea Comprehensive
2 – Namugongo Vocational Secondary School
3 – St Augustine Minor Seminary

MVP: David Kigozi (Bukedea Comprehensive)
Rugby 7’s
1-Jinja Secondary School
2- Kira College Butiiki
3 – Dr Obote College
MVP: Ronald Ogwang (Jinja SS)
1 – Nkoma SS
2- JInja SS
3- PMM Girls SS
MVP: Moureen Girimia (Nkoma SS)

-St Mary’s Kitende
2-Buddo Secondary School
3 – Kawanda Secondary School

MVP: Hashimu Khadala (St Mary’s Kitende)




1– Gombe SS (75 points)
– Sacred Heart Gulu (48 points)
– 43 points Millenium College (43 points)
St Joseph College Layibi
Kitgum College (39 points)
Sebei College (24 points)


1–Butambala (69 Points)
2 – Kitgum (59 points)
3–Wakiso (42 points)

1– Kitgum (53 points)

2 – Gulu (40 points)
3- Tororo (35 Points)
1 – Sebei
2 –West Nile
3 – Wakiso District
1 – Sebei – 12 points
2 – West Nile – 59 points
3 – Ankole – 66 points
1 –Acholi
West Nile
317 points Acholi
2-176 points Bukedi
120 West Nile
MVP – Melvin Aquani (Rock High School, Tororo)

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