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Ministry of Education and Sports Commends Preparations for USSSA Ball Games II

Date: 15th June 2023

Grace Abalo, a senior education officer in the Department of Physical Education and Sports, representing the Commissioner of Physical Education and Sports, expressed her gratitude and honored presence at the upcoming USSSA Ball Games II Championship. As a ministry, they consider the championship a vital sector program firmly embedded in the national sports calendar. The journey began last year with the pre-qualification of the host venue, and today, they stand impressed by the remarkable progress.

Abalo took the opportunity to commend the leadership of Kabale District, both in the municipality and the district, including the political and technical teams present. Acknowledging the importance of the event, which will welcome over six thousand children from all over the country, Abalo highlighted the dedication and responsibility the ministry places on programs involving learners. The involvement of numerous schools, officials, and political leaders demonstrates the significance of the championship.

The Ministry of Education and Sports has been actively engaged in every stage of the program, starting from the pre-qualification to witnessing the final preparations. Abalo assured the participants that the ministry would remain present throughout the championship, ready to face any challenges that may arise. Emphasizing the value of teamwork, she applauded the presence of the National Federation, acknowledging their technical expertise and the crucial role they play in making informed decisions.

The collaboration between the ministry, USSSA, and ASSHU has yielded positive results, evident in the continuous improvement of the games over the years. Abalo extended gratitude to USSSA and ASSHU for their financial support, as the activities are primarily funded through participation fees collected from schools. She commended the teachers for their efforts in making the championship possible and ensuring its success.

While celebrating the upcoming event, Abalo emphasized the importance of security, particularly considering the large number of children involved and the proximity of the venue to the border. The ministry is keen on ensuring the safety and security of all participants, and the presence of security personnel will play a crucial role in maintaining a safe environment.

As the USSSA Ball Games II Championship approaches, excitement fills the air, and the Ministry of Education and Sports stands alongside the organizers, ready to witness the remarkable skills and talents of the young athletes. The dedication and teamwork demonstrated by all stakeholders serve as a testament to the success of this esteemed event.

Grace Abalo, the senior education officer, expressed her enthusiasm for the USSSA Ball Games II Championship, stating, “We are truly indebted to be a part of this remarkable event. As a ministry, we take great pride in supporting programs that involve our learners. We commend the local leadership and the teams behind the scenes for their outstanding efforts. Together, we will ensure the success of this championship and create a safe and memorable experience for all the participants.”

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