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St. Mary’s College Rushoroza Declared Ready to Host Ball Games II

Rushorooza, Kabaale – An assessment was conducted to determine the readiness of St. Mary’s College of Rushorooza to host the highly anticipated Ball Games II. This event is considered the biggest in our activity, involving a significant number of students, officials, and various disciplines.

Recognizing the magnitude of the event, the organizing committee left no room for chance and visited St. Mary’s Rushorooza to evaluate its preparedness. The college had previously submitted a bid in November, which was successfully qualified for hosting. This visit aimed to ensure that all the necessary arrangements were in place.

“I am pleased to announce that St. Mary’s Rushorooza has done an outstanding job and deserves a round of applause,” stated the CEO USSSA – Christopher Mugisha Banage. The burden of hosting such a grand event falls on the shoulders of the entire school, and their efforts have not gone unnoticed.

USSSA CEO – Christopher Mugisha Banage

The Ball Games II will feature an array of disciplines, including football for under 14 and under 16 boys and girls, basketball 3 by 3 for both genders, volleyball, handball, rugby 7s, athletics for both boys and girls, dance sports, woodball, and lacrosse. Notably, netball stands out as the highlight of the championship.

With over 400 teams and approximately 6,000 participants from different districts across the country, the event will bring an unprecedented level of excitement to Kabaale. Furthermore, it will attract sports enthusiasts who wish to spectate and explore the vibrant city.

The venues scattered throughout Kabaale have been evaluated and deemed in good shape. However, additional support is required to ensure that the competition venues meet the required standards and become a source of pride for the young participants.

The ASSHU Kabaale district expressed their commitment to collaborating with the entire school to ensure the success of the games. While the participating schools have been advised on their responsibilities, the final implementation phase will require tremendous support.

In a press conference held to reassure the nation of St. Mary’s College’s readiness, the representative extended an invitation to the headteacher to provide assurance of the school’s preparedness.

“I am confident in announcing that St. Mary’s College of Rushorooza is fully prepared to host the games,” affirmed Chris Mugisha.

Chris Mugisha Banage – CEO USSSA

With the assurance of St. Mary’s College’s readiness, the spotlight now turns to the collaborative efforts of all stakeholders to ensure the event’s success. The upcoming Ball Games II not only promises a thrilling sporting experience but also an opportunity for Kabaale to showcase its vibrant atmosphere and hospitality to visitors.

As the countdown to the championship begins, it is expected that the efforts invested by St. Mary’s College and the collective support of the community will create an unforgettable event, leaving a lasting legacy in the world of sports in Kabaale.

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