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Ayub Khalifa Kiyingi elected Uganda Schools Football Association Chairperson.

Kawempe Muslim Ladies Head Coach Ayub Khalifa Kiyingi was elected Uganda Schools Football Association Chairperson during an annual General meeting held at GNS Hotel in Old Kampala on 30th September 2022 presided over by Catherine Asere as the returning officer.

Khalifa expressed gratitude to FUFA for the support towards school’s football and promised to work hand in hand with the federation and association.

In addition, he promised to work towards having tournaments as Odilo (organized for primary schools by FUFA) in their docket.

Ayub Khalifa Kiyingi (Coach Kawempe Muslim Ladies FC ) during the FEASSSA games in Arusha , Tanzania.

Swalley Kenyi as the representative from FUFA secretariat asked the members in attendance to endeavor and have representatives in beach soccer, futsal as well as referees to gain skills through trainings at FUFA so as to understand what is required of them.

The Chief Guest Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi and former Minister of State for Youth and Children Affairs. ‘I am humbled and privileged to be here because my mother is a teacher that is why am always glad to be a part of anything to do with teachers’

The members present pose for a photo with Hon. Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi after the assembly.

She also went on to congratulate Mugisha on his achievements as President USSSA so far and promised that FUFA as Federation had all their support for Mugisha whom she praised as a mentor, sponsor, educator and disciplinarian.

Executive Members

1st Vice President Miriam Makeba (Secondary)

2nd Vice President Mukasa Saad (Primary)

Regional representatives

Western – Agaba Edwin

Kitara- Bashabomwe Henry

North East – Oluka Sylus Patrick

West Nile -Bithola Francis

Buganda –  Namagembe Elsie

Kampala – Openjuru Eunice

Eastern – Wasswa Moses

Northern – Alot Geofrey

Chief Executive Officer USFA Emmanuel Kasakya

The members of the Executive committee pose for a photo with former Minister . Hon. Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi and Patron Mugisha

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