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Ball Games II: Kitgum Ready For Acholi Zonal Qualifiers – Okot P’ Bitek USSSA 2nd Vice President

Kitgum district will host USSSA Ball Games II Acholi Zonal qualifiers scheduled for 28-30th June 2024 at Bomah Grounds, 8 districts that make up the Acholi Region are expected to present their teams.
Over 500 athletes are expected to participate in the games, including Javelin, Short Put, Discuss, High Jump, Track events, Rugby 7s, Netball, Handball and Volleyball.
All teams are expected to arrive on Friday 28th June and will be subject to commence at 2 pm, this is done to verify the eligibility of participants.
Teams that qualify from here will represent the Acholi Zone in the USSSA National Ball Games II that will take place in Soroti (Teso Region) at Teso College Aloet from 9th -17th July.

Kitgum athletics team finalise their preparations at Bomah Ground, Kitgum

According to the host led by their chairperson who doubles as the 2nd Vice President of USSSA, Kitgum is ready to host the games.
“Kitgum preparation is in high gear, the girls will be accommodated at Y.Y Okot Memorial College and the boys at Kitgum Core PTC, we have done all the necessary mobilization. Athletics (Track and field events) will be held at the Bomah Grounds while the Ball games will be at Y.Y Okot playgrounds.”

Okot P’ Biteke while speaking to Omaria Bosco the USSSADirector Marketing and Communications

In the same spirit the District Schools Sports Chairperson Oringa Richard added, “for the preparations, the Municipal has helped to clean the toilets and grounds to see that the games go on well.

Amena Bosco the delegate representing the UAF “we are here to witness how the games are organized and to offer technical guidance, and in addition, these games help the federation to identify talent which is nurtured to international champions, we also measured the field and confirmed that it meets the standards”.

The head coach of Kitgum athletics team stated that his team is ready to defend their title as zonal champions.

“My team is ready to defend our title as the zonal champions and also go represent the zone in the national championship. We want to go back and also defender our national title since we wee the overall winners in both boys and girls in last year’s competitions that were held in Kabale at St Mary’s College Rushoroza”

Aloyo Charity a student-athlete from Comprehensive Main Campus believes she and the entire team will ably compete and defend their reign.

“I was the champion in short put and I believe with the hard work we put in, we are going achieve as we head into the games tomorrow”. She stated

Agago, Amuru, Gulu, Kitgum, Lamwo, Nyoya, and Pader Omoro are the 8 districts that make up the Acholi zone and we expect many teams from different schools to participate in the USSSA National Ball Games II Acholi zone qualifiers.

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