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Capacity Building: Gulu Training Sets the Stage for Enhanced Sports Knowledge

By John Wyclif Musinguzi

Since its initiation in December 2022, the Uganda Secondary Schools Sports Association (USSSA) has been actively conducting capacity-building training in various districts, including Lira, Mbarara, Kampala, Soroti, Bukedea, and Kabale.

In line with USSSA’s commitment to inclusive mass sports development, Gulu has now joined the ranks as the host of its inaugural capacity-building training. The program commenced today at Sacred Heart Secondary School and will run until January 20, 2023.

Significant Progress in Capacity Enhancement:
USSSA’s ambitious goal of enhancing the capacity of 30,000 individuals, comprising both teachers and students, has seen significant progress, with over 5,000 already trained as coaches, officiating officials, and media officers across diverse sports disciplines.

Diverse Disciplines on Display:
Currently underway at Sacred Heart Secondary School, 163 students and teachers are actively participating in training sessions focused on three distinct sports disciplines: netball umpiring, athletics coaching, and football refereeing and coaching.

Warm Welcome from the Headteacher:
In a warm welcome during a participants’ briefing held at the school premises, Reverend Sister Hellen Lamunu, the school headteacher, expressed her gratitude for being selected as the venue for the USSSA capacity-building program. “We are very grateful to have been chosen by the USSSA to host the Capacity Building Program. We welcome you all and hope you feel at home,” she remarked.

Encouraging Administrative Roles in Sports:
Having been a sportswoman in her youth, Rev. Sister Hellen Lamunu encouraged young people to embrace administrative roles in sports. She highlighted the program’s significance in educating the northern region’s population, making sports-related human resources more accessible, and contributing to the overall development of games in the area.

Importance of Discipline
‘Emphasizing discipline is crucial,’ We anticipate a high level of discipline from all participants, whether they are teachers or regular students. The security and authorities are present to address any instances of indiscipline. Mrs. Olumu Patricia, (ASSHU Representative)

As representatives of ASSHU in the Acholi region, our goal is to support our schools and assist fellow students upon our return after completing the first stage of the course. We are here with a purpose and will make the most of our time. As members of ASSHU, we are committed to giving our best.

Certificates will only be awarded to participants who have attended all classes and maintained a 100% attendance record.

The Acholi Coordinator, Okot P’ Bitek
“We extend a warm welcome to all individuals and participants hailing from various districts across the country, particularly those from Northern Uganda. This center, established by USSSA, aims to make courses more accessible for the people of the Greater North.

“We are pleased to note the increasing numbers, and we express our gratitude, especially to the ladies who have joined in larger numbers. Yesterday, only one had arrived, but now the attendance has grown, and we commend that.

“Hygiene is of utmost importance. We need to maintain cleanliness in all areas, including classrooms, toilets, verandas, and quadrangles. Please use water after using toilets to ensure convenience for the next user.

“For any administrative assistance, the Secretariat Staff is available. Additionally, all participants must wear yellow T-shirts during theoretical classes and Training Kits during practical sessions.”

Okot P’ Bitek (USSSA 3rd Vice President with Sister Lamunu

Guidelines from USSSA Secretariat:
Addressing the participants, Martin Nsimbi, a senior staff member of the USSSA secretariat, emphasized the importance of adhering to the registration guidelines. “USSSA secretariat doesn’t allow participants to register for two courses simultaneously nor permit anyone to venture into areas where they don’t belong. Each participant will be issued only one certificate, with attendance being a critical factor,” he stated.

Aspirations of a Professional Umpire:
Amanya Isaac, a teacher at St Mary’s College Lakyo, sees this training as a gateway to becoming a professional netball umpire. “I hope to use this training to acquire more skills and knowledge about netball umpiring,” said Amanya. As a physical education teacher, he expressed gratitude for the opportunity, aiming to enhance his foundational skills and progress in officiating netball.

Continued Impact Across Regions:
The training program will continue until Friday, January 19, taking place at three different venues: Kibuli, Mbale, and Gulu. The USSSA’s dedication to building sports capacity across diverse regions remains evident, fostering a brighter future for sports enthusiasts in Uganda.

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