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Capacity Building: Training Concludes with a Commitment to Integrity and Growth”

The conclusion of the Uganda Secondary Schools Sports Association (USSSA) capacity-building training for the January intake marked a significant milestone, with the closing ceremony taking place at various learning centers. A total of 469 participants were awarded certificates, signifying the successful completion of the training.

First Aid class in the group photo with the guests

Guest of Honor’s Emphasis on Integrity:

The closing ceremony, held at Kibuli SS, featured the Assistant Commissioner of Physical Education from the Ministry of Education and Sports, standing in for Ms. Ketty Lamaro, the Permanent Secretary. As the chief guest, the Assistant Commissioner urged the participants, who include coaches, referees, and media personalities, to execute their roles with integrity and fairness.

“As coaches, referees, and media personalities, you need to fulfill your responsibilities with integrity and fairness. You may eat 20,000sh to influence results, but your name will be spoilt, and you will remain local,” emphasized the Assistant Commissioner.

He further conveyed a message of vigilance, stating, “As the president has told you, we are watching and monitoring you in whatever you are doing. This is a new chapter that can hand you international exposure, but without integrity, you will stay on the first level.”

Vision for USSSA Growth:

Justus Mugisha, the President of USSSA, outlined their ambitious goal to have 30,000 participants in coaching, refereeing, and media by the end of 2024. To achieve this, the introduction of level II in some courses was announced during the ceremony.

Justus Mugisha, the association’s president during the closing ceremony at Kibuli SSS

“For our games at the district, region, and zones, will be officiated by our students themselves. We have also put in the rules of this year. For every team, for example, football… we have been inviting 20 players from each school, but this time will be 23 because there will be a Media officer, assistant coach, and a referee who are students who studied these courses,” explained USSSA President Justus Mugisha.

Reflecting on the achievements of the previous year, Mugisha shared, “Last year we set a target of training 5000 teachers and students, but by the end of December, we hit the target of 7000. This year, we have set a target of 30,000, and we also decided that level one will now take place at the district and zone level. We shall make sure that we empower our zones and districts to have these courses, but the facilitators will be facilitated by us at a national level.”

Participants Eager to Implement Skills:

Several participants expressed their enthusiasm for the gained knowledge, emphasizing their readiness to implement the skills acquired during the training.

Impressive Center-wise Participation:

Breaking down the numbers, the Kibuli SS center hosted 251 participants, Mbale had 52, and Gulu had 166, highlighting the widespread engagement and impact of the USSSA capacity-building program across various regions.

USSSA is committed to integrity, growth, and the continued development of sports education in Uganda. The USSSA’s vision for a more empowered and skilled sports community is steadily coming to fruition.

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