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Collaboration and planning meeting held between UPSSA, NASOA, and USSSA.

By Aisha Nakato

The Uganda Secondary School Sports Association, Uganda Primary School Sports Association (UPSSA), and National Sports Officers Association (NASOA) have held a meeting at USSSA offices at GNS Plaza, Old Kampala.

USSSA members present – USSSA President Justus Mugisha, 1st Vice President Hajji Twahil Kitezaala, Okot P’ Bitek (2nd Vice president), Margaret Harriet Aplolot(3rd Vice President), Hajji Lwembawo Hussein Kyagulanyi(USSSA EXCOM), Patrick Alfred Okanya(President Emeritus) and Christopher Mugisha Banage (USSSA CEO).

The team from the Uganda Primary School Sports Association

  • Pauline Musigire-Chairperson UPSSA
  • Nandudu Christine -Treasurer UPSSA
  • Weasa Eddy -Assistant General Secretary -UPSSA
  • Andati Frery-Publicity Secretary UPSSA
  • Komugisha Diana- Secretariat UPSSA
  • Tumwesigye Innocent -Special Needs Education UPSSA
  • Muhumuza Godfrey -Organizing Secretary UPSSA
  • UPSSA regional representatives included Alwanyi Serafin, Alinde Harunah, Muhindo Jerome, Matovu Sulaiman, Okoel John Peter, and Waibi Micheal Regional representatives

Nsubuga Mustapha the President of the National Sports Officers Association led a team of sports officers Opio Nicholas, Businge Didan, Oryema Phillip,Lika Mukhtar Amin, Wasswa Athuman, Twezirikire Amuram, Masiko Moses, Maloba Gilbert, Oloko Micheal, Nakigudde Sarah, Ssenyonga Brian Charles Ssemuhara Cyrus.

Nsubuga Mustapha, President National Sports Officers Sports Association.

“We acknowledge the many praises to USSSA for all the work done but I must inform you that a lot of this work has been done by the team at the department of Physical Education and Sports (PES), Ministry of Education and Sports under Commissioner Rev. Dr. Canon Duncans Mugumya with his team” Justus Mugisha ,USSSA President.

Justus Mugisha Justus Mugisha – President Uganda Secondary School Sports Association.

In his address, Mugisha explained to the members present on why this collaboration is important and what the collaboration will entail.

  • Why should we collaborate?
  • To create a strong school body.
  • Bridge the gap between primary and secondary school sports.
  • Uniform development of Human Resources.
  • Uniform rules and regulations.
  • To foster proper talent Identification.
  • Strong recognition by the government.
  • Advocate for a minimum sports infrastructure in a school for it to be licensed.
  • USSSA extended its support to UPSSA during the National Athletics Championship in Luweero and Mbarara in 2023 in areas of online registration, capacity building training of 253 teachers (in Mbarara), and dressing of the organizing committee.
  • The two associations will form an Apex Committee composed of seven members four from USSSA and three from UPSSA with each of the two presidents being among this number. In addition, there must be a woman in each group. The terms of reference for the Apex Committee are to be discussed and agreed upon by the two parties involved under the guidance and stewardship of the Department of Physical Education and Sports (Ministry of Education and Sports).
  • Mugisha also emphasized to members why the association should be organized if they are to receive government support financially.

“We at USSSA first organized ourselves before the government started to support us financially this was in 2008 and years later the funding had grown annually but this takes a lot of organization and preparation but I can assure you we are here to guide and support you.” Justus Mugisha, President USSSA

Orikiriza Gilbert, Education Officer, Department of Physical Education and Sports delivered greetings from Honorable Janet Kataha Museveni, Minister of Education and Sports, Honorable Peter Ogwang, Minister of State for Sports and Reverend Canon Dr. Duncans Mugumya Commissioner PES.

“The Ministry of Education and Sports appreciates the effort and everything you are doing to organize sports in schools and also congratulate you on successful championships in Mbarara in 2023.
The Ministry appreciates the collaboration between USSSA and UPSSA but remember these will be run independently”. Gilbert Orikiriza, Education Officer, Department of Physical Education and Sports.

Gilbert Orikiza, Education Officer, department of Physical Education and Sports.

Pauline Musigire, Chairperson Uganda Primary Schools Sports Association (UPSSA)

“First of all, I would like to thank USSSA for the support given to us at the championship in September 2023 in Mbarara, the support was in form of accreditation and certificates we are learning from the best and with time we will be doing all this on our own”.

Pauline Musigire,Chairperson Uganda Primary School Sports Association during the collaboration and planning meeting held between UPSSA,NASOA and USSSA.

The Future Plan for UPSSA

  • Feeding will be centralized for the safety of all participants (Each district has previously been cooking for themselves)
  • Online registration of participants so that games start immediately after the participants arrive (Previously 2 three days would be used at the beginning of the championship to register participants and this wastes time)
  • Athletes are to be screened by use of Learner Identification Number (LIN) and not by weight and height as previously done.

“We shall only use U12 and U14 to participate in our games starting in 2024 because U16 has always brought a lot of controversies. In addition, registration will be done online using the Learner Identification Number (LIN) for each student”. Pauline Musigire, Chairperson Uganda Primary School Sports Association (UPSSA).

“There will be a constitutional review and election of new Office bearers by the 28th of February 2024. We will ensure that there is consultation done for a smooth exercise”. Musigire Concluded.

Pauline Musigire – Chairman UPSSA

Sammy Odong, Assistant Commissioner Physical Education and Sports

“On behalf of the Ministry of Education and Sports, I would like to inform you that so much has been discussed behind the scenes and we know it is for the better. Institutions must move irrespective of the individuals so let us all strive to work towards the good of these associations”.

“Take time while working on this new constitution, seek advice if and when you need it. We need to organize and plan because there are a lot of things you can do if we work together with USSSA” Sammy Odong, Assistant Commissioner Physical Education and Sports, Ministry of Education and Sports.

Sammy Odong, Assistant Commissioner Physical Education and Sports ,Ministry of Education and Sports.

2 thoughts on “Collaboration and planning meeting held between UPSSA, NASOA, and USSSA.”

  1. Wasoko Aramanzani Pulisi

    How I Universities and other educational institutions come onboard such that there is continuity

  2. Balu Robinson Cruse

    What’s been the way forward on the issue of controlling USSSA funds at the District levels. We have seen ASSHU also trying to control the money meant for sports activities by themselves.

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