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Uganda Primary Schools Sports Association (UPSSA), Ministry of Education and Sports in collaboration with USSSA conducted an inspection exercise of the sports facilities of the districts that sent in bids to host this year’s edition of the National Ball Games and National Kids Athletics.

And according to UPSSA Chairperson Pauline Musigire, confirmed that the inspection intended to give UPSSA and the Ministry a chance to select the best districts with standard facilities, in time ahead of the competition.

UPSSA Chairperson Pauline Musigire( with a hat) during the inspection with senior sports officer Mbarara district Musinguzi Cleopas.

By the close of the bidding period at the end of last year, 4 bids had been received by UPSSA to host national games these include Kitgum, Soroti, Busia, and Mayuge.

The inspection team led by Ministry of Education and Sports Education officer Gilbert Orikiriza, chairman UPSSA Chairperson Pauline Musigire, Nsubuga Mustapha National Sports Officers president, Kasakya Emmanual USSSA Competition director among others were tasked to inspect hosting bidders Kitgum Public School and Kitgum Prison all from KItigum district, Pioneer primary school from Soroti, Madibira primary school from Busia and Ikulwe cou primary school in Mayuge were all inspected.

Education officer Gilbert Orikiriza ( with a book) during the inspection.

“We shall go through these bidding districts according to our requirements and the best districts will be awarded the host status and the final decision for the best bidder that will be announced by the ministry,” education officer Gilbert Orikiriza said.

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