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President Museveni Officially Opens FEASSA Games 2024 In Bukedea

On Sunday 18th August 2024, the President of the Republic of Uganda officially launched the FEASSA Games 2024 in Bukedea.

The 21st edition of the games are being hosted at Bukedea Comprehensive School and Amus College as hosts and co hosts respectively.

The games kicked off on Friday 16th with the arrival of teams from hosts Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda and a technical meeting was held on Saturday 17th at Amus College.

On Sunday morning, teams assembled at Bukedea Comprehensive School Stadium to celebrate the beauty of the East African Schools games with a colourful opening ceremony.

At 2:15 PM the long awaited guest of honour, the President of the Republic of Uganda arrived at Bukedea Comprehensive School and officially opened the newly constructed Bukedea Comprehensive Sports Park which includes an indoor arena, high class swimming pool and a football stadium.

Alongside the speaker of the 11th parliament who is also the proprietor Bukedea Comprehensive School he appeared before his subjects to launch the games.

Government chief whip Hon David Obua welcomed him, national anthems followed before allowing speeches to take place.

In the first speech delivered by the FEASSA President Justus Mugisha, thanked the President for gracing today’s historic occasion and the two host schools’ directors for setting up the sports facilities

“Your presence, Mr. President, marks a
historic moment, as you are the first
head of state to grace our games. The main aim of FEASSA games is to integrate the children of East Africa schools into sports.” FEASSA President Justus Mugisha started his speech

“Uganda is holding the FEASSA Games for a record seventh (7th) time! It is the first time that individual schools are hosting these games. Appreciation goes to the directors of these schools Rt. Hon. Annet Anitah Among (Bukedea Comprehensive School)
and Hon. Patrick Opolot Isiagi of Amus College who set up these world class facilities that will be used for this year’s edition.” Mugisha Added

FEASSA President Justus Mugisha delivering his speech to the masses at Bukedea Comprehensive School Stadium.

Mugisha also reminded the President of the promises he made during the visit at the State House.

“His Excellency i want to remind you of the promises you made to give an international level sports facility to each of the 19 USSSA zones and we believe you will fulfill as you have always done.” Mugisha concluded.

Minister of State for sports Peter Ogwang who is also the leader of the delegation team Uganda expressed his gratitude to the president for the support towards developing sports in the country.

“Mr. President, your lifelong dedication to Uganda’s sports sector cannot go unnoticed, and i want to assure you that we are your strongest supporters.”

Hon. Peter Ogwang, Minister of State for Sports.

Hon. Peter Ogwang delivering his message to the guests and athletes at Bukedea Comprehensive School Stadium.

The Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda who is also the proprietor Bukedea Comprehensive School thanked the President for accepting their invitation to open up the newly constructed sports facilities and welcomed him to deliver his speech.

Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among welcoming the President to deliver his speech

In his speech, President Museveni applauded the speaker and Hon. Isiagi for setting up these sports facilities and asked other leaders to use this as an example.

“The East African integration is more than just sports. It’s fundamentally about securing our livelihoods. I thank Hon. Anita Among for facilitating the construction of the BCS stadium. I encourage other officials to take this as an example.”

H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, The President of the Republic of Uganda

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni addressing the gathering at Bukedea Comprehensive School Stadium before opening the games officially.

In front of thousands, the president kicked the ball in the sky to confirm the games open and a match between Bukedea Comprehensive School and Tanzania’s Benjamin Mkapa Secondary School kicked off which ended 2-0 in favour of the hosts, Reagan Ssekisambu and Yusuf Ssebumpeje with a goal each.

Many dignitaries including the deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda Tomas Tayebwa, Minister of Health Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng,Area Member of Parliament Hon. Patrick Isiagi, Musician Musa Sali aka Bebe Cool, FUFA President Hon. Moses Magogo ,FUFA CEO Edgar Watson, CEO Ham group of companies Hammis Kigundu, Commissioner Physical Education in the Ministry of education and sports Rev. Can. Duncans Mugumya, head of delegations from Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and Member of Parliaments from across East Africa

Dr Jane Ruth Aceng, Minister of Health at Bukedea Comprehensive School Stadium on Sunday Afternoon.

Federation Of Uganda Football Association Chief Executive Officer Edgar Watson and Omara Apita Lamex, former Commissioner Physical Education and Sports in the Ministry of Education and Sports were also present.

Musician Musa Sali aka Bebe Cool and CEO Ham group of companies, Hammis Kigundu watching the proceedings at the new stadium during the opening ceremony.

Singer Bebe Cool performing at the opening ceremony.

The games will continue on Monday 19th and run up to 27th this month with Burundi the latest member state to confirm participation making it five countries for this edition.

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