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Stakeholder Engagement: USSSA Holds Successfully Live Streaming And Broadcasting Meeting.

By Wycliffe Musinguzi

The one-day session was aimed at educating headteachers and games teachers about the objectives, importance, and advantages of live streaming, broadcasting, and media relations.

In a meeting held today at USSSA offices at GNS Plaza, over 35 participants who were mainly headteachers and games teachers of different schools managed to attend.

The meeting was chaired by USSSA President Justus Mugisha together with the CEO Christopher Mugisha Banage, President Emeritus Patrick Okanya, and Omaria Bosco the communications and marketing director who presented the session to the heads of the school.

“We have invited you here to plan a way on how we can cooperate to give mileage to the schools that participate in our championships,” said the CEO Christopher Mugisha during his opening remarks.

Christopher Mugisha Banage , USSSA Chief Executive Officer addressing the meeting

“Sports investment is expensive and we applaud schools who put in resources and time to develop the students’ talents” Justus Mugisha, President.
“However, schools who have plans, targets, and aims have benefited in sports, with media especially this innovation we are bringing on table of the live streaming and broadcasting will multiply your benefits” Mugisha added

Justus Mugisha ,USSSA President during the meeting

The heads were taken through the objectives of the program which include an increase in awareness, visibility, sponsors and partners attraction, and many more.

The importance of the innovation includes increased reach and accessibility, monetization opportunities, cultural and social impact, real-time interaction and engagement, and more others as explained by Omaria Bosco.

Omaria Bosco while presenting at the meeting

The facilitator urged schools to utilize this program by using students who are passionate about media to create human resources and also send more students for capacity-building training so that they can be equipped with knowledge.

He further explained to teachers the advantages of the program including visibility giving an example of Bukedea Comprehensive which had a total enrollment of 600 students but after excelling in different championships, 784 students were enrolled in senior one only this year.

The teachers have embraced the idea and are ready to put into action what they have been taught today.

Following this training schools will now be able to live stream and broadcast their games and events on their media platforms.

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