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Uganda Primary School Sports Association holds Ordinary Assembly.

The Executive Committee of Uganda Primary School Sports Association has held an Ordinary Assembly at the GNS Plaza in Old Kampala on 22nd February 2024.

The meeting was attended by Justus Mugisha, USSSA President and Mugisha Christopher, USSSA Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Abalo Grace a Senior Education Officer, Gilbert Orikiriza and Namulalo Betty all from the department of Physical Education and Sports, Ministry of Education and sports together with Uganda Primary School Sports Association led by Pauline Musigire and Bwambale William, President and General Secretary respectively.

The other members in attendance were Games teachers form several Primary Schools and districts namely Maracha,Nebbi,Mbale,Kisoro,Isingiro,Kabarole,Gulu City,MasindiMunicipality,Napak,Moroto,Buvuma,Budaka,Rakai,Telego,Sororti,Kitgum,Kibuku,Kiboga,Hoima,Kikuube,Kiryandongo,Bugiri,Rukungiri,Kiruhura,Bugweri,Luuka,Sironko,Abim,Koboko,Ntoroko,Kabale,Kyenjojo,Kasanda,Kumi,Dokolo,Buyende,Serere,Otuke,Kasese,Kibale,Kagadi,Masaka,Namayingo,Amudat,Pallisa,Pakwach,Amuria,Bukedea,Kanungu,Busia,Kaberamaido ,Nabilatuk,Namisindwa, Nwoya, Kwania,Arua,MadiOkollo,Moyo,Entebbe ,Kakumiro ,Tororo Nakapiripirit,Luwero ,Jinja,Bukomansimbi,Mubende,Butaleja and Kyankwanzi.

The remarks

Justus Mugisha, USSSA President

“I would like to thank you for accepting to be hosted here today. The mandate to run school sports lies with the Ministry of Education and Sports under the Department of Physical Education and Sports (PES).” Mugisha Justus, USSSA President.

Justus Mugisha ,USSSA President

“Talent Identification starts at Primary level and not Secondary level as many people think. Each one of us here plays a vital role in identifying these talents. USSSA organized a capacity building training during the Uganda Primary Games in Mbarara (2023) specifically for Primary School teachers. The 255 participants can now coach and officiate in their various districts and regions.”

Gilbert Orikiriza, Desk Officer for Primary Schools Games and Sports

“We are previledged to be here with such a big team. We need to build consensus on how we shall move forward. We would like to see this association become more responsive. The constitution you had in place was obsolete yet you continued to use it but it good that to have adopted the new one today.”

Abalo Grace,Senior Education Officer.

“In a country like ours where sports can’t take its own direction. This association needs to be guided and remember that no one is above the law therefore we should consult one another whenever necessary.”

All the 35 articles in the new constitution were read by Musigire Pauline, President UPSSSA. The member later adopted the constitution.

Below are the key highlights in the constitution.

Article 1: The official name of the association shall be Uganda Primary Schools Sports Association (UPSSA).

Article 2: UPSSSA Headquarters shall be in Kampala and it shall be affiliated to Uganda secondary school sports association (USSSA) while any other sports bodies shall be decided by the General Assembly from time to time.

Article 4: Membership shall be open to all paid up Zones and each zone to be represented by five delegates in the General Assembly.

Article 5: District Primary School Sports Associations (DPSSA) will be the association recognized as per the geographical location of the schools except for Kampala which will be based on divisions.

Article 12: The athletes to take part in Primary School competitions should strictly be Under 12 and 14.

Special Needs is another category of participants.

Article 14: The composition of the Executive Committee led by the President and will constitute 21 members with a few positions ring fenced for females (the 3rd Vice President, the Secretary for women affairs and at least one zonal delegate for each zone).

The qualifications and duties of each executive committee member are clearly outlined.

Article 17: Elections

Elections shall be by secret ballot.

Executive shall hold office for four years but maybe re-elected and no official shall serve in the same position for more than two terms consecutively.

The winner shall be decided by simple majority.

One must be a delegate in order to qualify to contest.

Article 18: Standing Committees and sub-committees will be appointed on assumption of office by the Executive Committee. These will include the following Finance, Technical, Publicity, Competitive, Disciplinary, Appeals and Marketing.

Article 19: Finance

The financial period shall be annual.

There shall be a fee contributed by the District Association (School) for every competition.

UPSSA shall have powers to look for sponsors of different sports activities.

Article 26: Secretariat

This will carry out all administrative work of UPSSA and shall be led by the Chief Executive Officer (whose duties and responsibilities are clearly outlined) who will be appointed by the executive committee

The members adopted the constitution.

Roadmap and Guidelines for the forth coming Elections 2024 were read in detail to the members by Bwambale William, General Secretary UPSSA.

Below are the key Highlights of the Election guidelines.

District Elections will take place in March 9,2024 at various district headquarters, Zonal Elections on Saturday March 16,2024 and the national elections will be held on Saturday 23rd March ,2024 at GNS Hotel.

The electoral committee will have three members led by Patrick Alfred Okanya former USSSA President who had also been a returning officer at FUFA before, Namulalo Betty a desk officer from department of Physical Education and Sports (Ministry of Education and Sports) and Ssenyonga Brian,Wakiso Sports Officer and Executive Committee member ,National Association of Sports Officers.

5 thoughts on “Uganda Primary School Sports Association holds Ordinary Assembly.”

  1. Nanjego Efrance

    I thank you so much for the report given. The minutes are clear and it’s a true report basing on my attendance in the Uganda primary school’s National sports General Assembly held on 22/02/2024 at GNS Plaza.
    First and far most, i send my appreciation to the ministry of Education and sports for having accepted Kakira Estate to participate in the co- curricular activities in it’s capacity ( category) of being an ESTATE which is indipendent .
    To prove, yesterday all the speakers were outlining the Teams very well as below.
    Districts/ Municipalitys/Cities Estates.
    I therefore, I humbly request to include kakira Estate on the list of the bodies which were represented.
    I submit
    CHAIRPERSON since 2018 today.

  2. Katamba Noah

    Thx for putting the gears on ground such that u’v aired out people’s out cry between these 2 bodies
    Hope now things are streamlined & also put in more communication such that every stakeholder gets information & takes part in election
    I beg to submit


    thanks for creating this system.
    I tried to login in since morning, but the system shows that you may have moved permanently to another web or error in the system now what should i do to register my pupils to participate in athletics.?

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