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USSSA capacity building programme concluded in Bugisu Zone.

The one-week training of football referees and netball umpires was successfully concluded at Mbale SS. The 52 participants watched via zoom the closing ceremony at Kibuli SS where the Chief Guest was Sammy Odong, Assistant Commissioner Physical Education and Sports, Ministry of Education and Sports.

Mr. Moses Buyera awarding a certificate to Matida, a student from Pallisa who was studying football refereeing.

The Guests in attendance during the ceremony at Mbale SS

Mr. Moses Buyera – Headteacher Mbale SS-Chief Guest

Hon. Isaiah Ssasaga-Member of Parliament, Budadiri County East in Sironko District and Bugisu zonal Chairperson (USSSA)

Madam Mafabi Beatrice- Executive Committee member representing Eastern region

Madam Bagaaya Victoria Munaaba, Deputy headteacher Mbale SS

Awuye Yusuf Suleiman- FUFA Referee Instructor

Ntege Angel- Netball Umpire and Instructor

The Chief Guest and Headteacher of the host school Mbale SS thanked USSSA for partnering with them for this great cause that attracted participants from not all Bugisu but also Teso,Bukedi,Sebei and Karamoja regions.

He reminded the participants who are mainly teachers to not sit back when they return to their respective schools.

“Let us not stop here, we must go out there and represent USSSA in our schools and communities to help our regions rise in sports and ably compete at National Level” Moses Buyera, Headteacher Mbale SS and Chief Guest.

Honorable Isaiah Ssasaga, Member of Parliament, Budadiri County East in Sironko District and Bugisu zonal Chairperson (USSSA) who had also taken part in this training when it was starting at Kibuli SS in December 2022 informed the members that the training has been very resourceful to him especially at is school Sironko Parents SS. He asked members to spread the word on all USSSA activities so that in the future numbers can increase.

Vincent Achadu,former District councilor in Pallisa District and now a teacher who studied Netball umpiring level 1 thanked USSSA for granting them a chance to study by taking the course closer to their communities.

Wako Yasin, a community development officer, Pallisa District was also grateful for the opportunity to study football refereeing at a subsidized rate. “I have always wanted the study this beginners’ course and get the minimum certification but fund have always been a challenge, the fee of 98,000 Ug shs was affordable and when I heard the advert on radio I knew I had to use this chance. Thank you to our instructors, and the management of USSSA”. Wako said after receiving this certificate having completed the football refereeing beginners’ course.

The programme that started in December 2022 had been conducted in several districts such as Lira, Mbarara,Soroti,Gulu and most recently Mbale. USSSA leadership is looking to skill 30,000 teachers and students as coaches, referees or umpires.

2 thoughts on “USSSA capacity building programme concluded in Bugisu Zone.”

  1. Isaak Muhammad Kanoute

    When are the next capacity sessions beginning! I request we also in deep areas like mine Bushenyi to attain the skills because we have the capability

    1. Hello, thank you for reaching out concerning this, I am glad to inform you that we consider every part of Uganda and beleive that the mentioned area will be considered

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