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USSSA Secretariat Staff for Retreat and Team Building.

The USSSA Secretariat staff are undergoing a three-day retreat and team building at Front Page Hotel, Zzana.
This is the second such activity of its kind after the inaugural one was held in January 2023.
This as described by Christopher Mugisha Banage, the Chief Executive Officer is a way for the staff to get together and analyze the activities and competitions of the coming year.
The session on day one was conducted by Stella Marris Nambaziira, a consultant and also enterprises manager URA. This session which had several discussions and presentations saw the facilitator emphasize to the staff on the why every organization should have a business model and how to work better to achieve goals and objectives.

Stella Marris Nambaziira,the day’s facilitator.

In detail, the members had to brainstorm on several aspects that are part of USSSA’s day-to-day activities.

  • The Clients of USSSA
  • Channels used to communicate
  • How relations are maintained with the clients and stakeholders
  • The Revenue Streams of USSSA
  • USSSA Key Activities
  • USSSA Key Resources
  • USSSA Key Partners

“I have learnt a lot, we as staff should always work together and team work is very important if we are to achieve the goals and objectives of USSSA”. Nsimbi Martin

“I have been able to understand that as USSSA we have a big role to play in promoting the schools that take part in USSSA Competitions and activities. Both of us complement one another” Stuart Kavuma, an Intern with USSSA.

The training continues tomorrow 5/January/2024 other speakers will include Sandra Bwengye Arinaitwe a Marketing Consultant, Edgar Watson CEO FUFA and Solomon Kimbugwe, Digital Communications Supervisor Uganda Revenue Authority(URA)

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