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Bidding to Host 2025 USSSA National Championships Officially Open.

Bidding to Host USSSA National Championships Officially Open.

Special from the previous years, the bidding to host national championships from 2024 to 2028 has been officially opened. During the press conference held at GNS Office, Mugisha Justus, declared the bidding to host the 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028 USSSA National games open to all regions and schools across the country.

“The year 2024 has been a successful one as far as USSSA National Championships are concerned. The championships were well-organized. The number of participants that took part in this year’s championships was commendably high.” USSSA President Justus Mugisha stated.

Elite Games – 1,271 participants

Ball Games I (Fresh Dairy Games)– 3,840 participants

Football Boys – 1,653 participants

Ball Games II and Athletics – 6,916 participants

Ball Games II and Mind Games – 2,356 participants

Swimming Gala – 338 participants.

“Thank you to Bukedea Comprehensive School and Amus College School for organizing the recently concluded FEASSA Games. Also, to all schools that have been part of any championship organized this year, namely Masaka SSS, Ndejje SSS, Seroma Christian High School, and Teso College Aloet. We cannot forget the games teachers, head teachers, and directors of these schools for the work they do tirelessly to organize the championships.” Commissioner Physical Education and Sports, Reverend Canon Duncans Mugumya stated during the press conference.

For the past four years, the USSSA National Championships have been rotating in the different regions of the country. The Western Region hosted in 2018, Eastern in 2019, 2020 and 2021 were halted by COVID-19 and did not take place. The games resumed in 2022 in Northern, 2023 in the Western and Central region.

If it is a school’s turn to host and they fail due to unpreparedness or failure to be ready by inspection time, another school or region can take up the slot but remains eligible to host when its turn comes.

4 thoughts on “Bidding to Host 2025 USSSA National Championships Officially Open.”


    For sure the school’s which Hosted the game’s hmmm aahaaaa,the gave us special hospitality, nice ground’s en accomodations was wow

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